Five Ways to Speak Like Obama

Five Ways to Speak Like Obama
by Sims Wyeth
Now that we’ve got your attention, you should realize, of course, that you don’t want to speak like Barack Obama. You want to speak like you. Nevertheless, as a student of the art of public speaking, you can — and should — observe Obama’s oratorical skills. The greats all learn from other greats, so don’t hesitate. Study Obama’s repertoire, take what you like, and use what you can to improve your own public speaking.
Obama is a master at grabbing and keeping his audience’s attention, which is the number one goal of any public speaker. How does he do it? Here are five key lessons from Obama’s rhetorical playbook.
1. Talk About the Audience’s Concerns
Notice that when Obama addressed a joint session of Congress for the first time, he told our story before he told his own. He talked about our sleepless nights, for example, and the college admission that might have to be turned down because of a lack of financing.
This was brilliant, and you can do it, too. Start your talk by broadly defining the situation that your listeners face. Then, once you’ve got them nodding their heads in agreement, move on to describe the problems or challenges that are on their minds. Start where the audience is, not where you are. Once you have their attention, you can lead your listeners wherever you want to take them.
2. Keep It Simple
Throughout the presidential campaign, Obama kept his main message — “change you can believe in” — simple and easy to remember. Sure, some pundits mocked its simplicity, but it served its purpose perfectly as the banner at the front of his parade. You, too, can keep it simple, even if you have mountains of research to report.
First, fine-tune your core message. Fierce debate within Obama’s campaign no doubt accompanied the birth of the slogan “change you can believe in,” and similar prolonged discussion may accompany the discovery of your own core message. But once the decision has been made, don’t let that debate show. Chisel away at your topic until you can reduce your presentation to a core message. Once you achieve this, all your complex ideas can march behind it.
This is as true for business presentations as it is for political campaigns. Granted, your content may be nuanced and detailed, but so were Obama’s policy positions. He used his simple slogan to make us believe he was the politician for change — something so many Americans longed for — and he appealed to us to have faith (to believe) in the change he was offering us. Obama won people through a simple slogan, which then allowed him to more easily serve up his ideas about meaty topics such as health care, terrorism, and the crumbling economy.
We make a serious error if we mistake a complete argument for a persuasive one. All audiences, no matter how sophisticated, have limited attention spans and a limited ability to retain detailed spoken information. Don’t fear that you’re leaving details out; you must be selective. After all, what good is a thorough and detailed argument if it is inaccessible?
3. Anticipate What Your Audience Is Thinking
Obama and his speechwriters are certainly aware of the great line by Goethe, “Every word that is uttered evokes the idea of its opposite.” What this means is that when you express one view, the odds are high that people will reflexively think about other, unmentioned aspects of the topic.
A presentation that does not deal with this “evoking of opposites” loses the audience’s attention because it fails to address the questions and concerns that come up in people’s minds. So anticipate it. Show your audience that you understand the contrary view better than they do, and explain why your proposal or argument is still superior.
Obama did this effectively in his speech on race, in which he attempted to distance himself from the inflammatory Rev. Jeremiah Wright. Obama pointed out, for example, that he won primaries in former Confederate states and that he had built a “powerful coalition of African Americans and white Americans.” But he also acknowledged what was undoubtedly on people’s minds when he said, “This is not to say that race has not been an issue in the campaign.” He went on to say that, yes, Reverend Wright’s sermons were controversial, but, no, that’s not why he must be rebuked. He said that, yes, the clips of Reverend Wright on YouTube make him look terrible, but, no, that’s not the full measure of the man.
His speech was powerful and widely praised. It was effective in part because Obama let everyone know that he had thought a lot about race, and in particular about both sides of the controversy surrounding his former pastor.
Attack your topics this way, too, and you will be in charge of the conversation. This approach will not only grab and hold the attention of your listeners, but it will also help you win people into your camp, which is what you need to do if, say, your goal is to persuade your board of directors of the wisdom of a seemingly risky partnership.
4. Learn to Pause
Obama has mastered the art of pausing. Just check out his presidential acceptance speech in Chicago to see this skill at work. He pauses to let us catch up with him. He pauses to let his words resonate. He pauses, in a sense, to let us rest. Pauses also give the impression of composure and thoughtfulness.
Here’s an exercise to help you learn to pause.
Mark up your paragraphs / in this manner / into the shortest possible phrases. / First, / whisper it, / breathing / at all the breath marks. / Then, / speak it / in the same way. / Do this / with a different paragraph / every day.
Here’s what the opening paragraph of Obama’s remarks would look like:
“If there is anyone out there / who still doubts / that America is a place / where all things are possible, / who still wonders / if the dream of our founders / is alive in our time, / who still questions / the power of our democracy, / tonight / is your answer.”
Where you pause is up to you; there are no hard and fast rules. But try it. Slowly inhale to the count of three at each breath mark. Speak as though you had plenty of time. The goal / of this exercise / is to teach your body / to slow down.
5. Master the Body Language of Leadership
Obama’s body language is relaxed and fluid. It does not display tension or fear. He’s calm and assertive — which is exactly what you need to be to get people to comply with your requests. For the ultimate in Obama smoothness, watch his entrance on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.
To achieve the body language that’s effective for you, focus on a single attribute — for example, calm — and practice implementing it in the basic motions of your day, from getting dressed in the morning, to leaving your home for work, to greeting your friends and colleagues. Research in the Scientific American suggests that focusing on one word is the most effective way to learn a new behavior. It will probably feel forced at first, but don’t worry. It will soon become natural, and eventually your body language will communicate the right mix of calm and assertiveness.
Finally, you’ll need to rehearse. Practice calmly walking up to the lectern or the front of the room. Arrange your papers calmly. Look out to the audience with a sense of command, with assertiveness. Let the silence hang for a moment, and only then deliver your opening remarks.
Calmness begets a sense of authority. Behave as if you are in control, and you will in fact gain control and command attention.
About the Author
Sims Wyeth is a trainer and consultant in speeches, presentations, and high stakes conversations.

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New business?
However small
it may be,
success requires
proper planning,
preparation and

RIGHTS In business, there are no
guarantees. There’s simply
no way to eliminate risks
associated with starting an
enterprise. But you can improve
chances of success with good
planning, preparation and insight.
Find out what to consider when
starting a business.
Drawing up a business plan
It’s important to draft a
comprehensive and thoughtful
business plan. Much hinges on
it: Outside funding, credit from
suppliers, management of your
operation and finances, promotion
and marketing of your business,
and achievement of your goals
and objectives.
Creating a business plan will
force you to think about key issues
before you start your enterprise,
such as raising money and your
projected start-up costs and
marketing strategies. This will help
you figure out if your idea is
a winner.

The core of naming a business lies
in understanding the trademark
law. Trademarks help consumers
identify the makers of the goods
or services. Often, the name of
your company may also be used
as a trademark to identify your
company’s offerings. What’s in a
name, you may wonder. But if you
choose something too similar to a
competitor’s name, you might be
accused of violating the their legal
rights, and you could be forced to
change it and even pay monetary
damages. A good business name
should be:
■ Distinctive
■ Memorable
■ Easily spelled and
■ Suggest the products or
services you offer
■ Distinguish you from your
Many people opt for partnerships
with their friends or relatives for
doing business, because they
feel very comfortable dealing with
people they have known for a long
time. But before you do, create
a Partnership Agreement which
should include the following:
■ Amount of equity invested by
each partner
■ Type of business
■ How profit and loss will be
■ Each partner’s pay and
■ Distribution of assets on
■ Provisions for changes or
dissolving the partnership
■ Dispute settlement clause
■ Settlement in case of death or
■ Restrictions of authority
and expenditures
Financing A new business
Money can be raised either by
borrowing it from a friend, family
member, bank or selling ownership
interests (equity) in your business.
There’s no hard and fast rule on
the best way to raise money; you’ll
have to evaluate your situation
and decide what kind of loan or
investment you’re willing to take.
If you are going beyond family
and friends for loans or equity
investments, you’ll definitely need
a business plan.
If you take a loan, you will
have to repay the money over
time (usually monthly), with
interest. The lender won’t receive
an ownership interest in your
business, and you won’t have to
share any of your future profits
with the lender. On the other hand,
if you raise money by selling equity
(ownership interests), you will
not have to make these monthly
payments or repay the investment
at any particular date. L e g a l
All about you
The business of
doing business
your business is profitable, you’ll
need to share the profits with your
investors, generally in proportion
to the percentage of the business
they own.
Licences and permits
Business licences and permits
can range from the general (a
basic trade licence to operate
a business within a city), to the
specific (a permit to sell alcohol/
firearms/food items). Bear in mind
that regulations vary by industry.
Investigate into the licensing
and permit requirements that
affect your industry, and avoid
any temptation to ignore these
important regulatory details.
Being out of licensing and permit
compliance could leave you
unprotected legally, which may
lead to expensive penalties, and
can jeopardise your business.
Location of workplace
There is no universal rule for
choosing a business location.
The biggest consideration is
sometimes not where it is but
what it is. The building facilities
need to be appropriate for your
business whether you are working
from home, a business centre or
a rented space. Or you could take
up space in a market with similar
businesses or consumer groups.
Entering into agreements
Be mindful of employment
contracts as these take different
forms. All employees at a
company may be asked to sign
the same form of contract, or
each employee may have a
contract with the employer that
is exclusively applicable to his
or her employment agreement.
It mentions the kind of work the
employee will do, for how long,
and at what rate of pay. Please
consult an attorney who can
advise you about Confidentiality
and Non-Competition Agreements,
and clauses pertaining to
ownership of inventions, exclusive
employment, termination,
minimum wages, bonus,
arbitration and jurisdiction.
In almost all business dealings,
every time you or your company
agrees to take some action or
make a payment in exchange
for anything of value, a legal
contract is created. Make sure
that you and the other party
agree on the meaning of any
potentially ambiguous words or
phrases. Even a misplaced (or
unnoticed) punctuation mark can
dramatically change the scope of
your rights and obligations under a
contract. Watch out for commonly
misused words. When you agree to
bimonthly payments, for instance,
do you understand that you will be
paid every other month? Or do you
expect to be paid twice a month?
Some business agreements may
be simple enough for the regular
person to draft, while others may
require the help of a lawyer.
If your advertisement is deceptive,
you’ll face legal problems even
if you had the best intentions
while framing it. In addition, if
your advertisement contains a
false statement, you have already
violated the law. The fact that you
didn’t know ‘the information was
false’ is irrelevant. Advertisements
should conform to laws and
should not go against morality,
decency and the religious
susceptibilities of people.
Business Advisors
Finally, the key to success for any
entrepreneur is to have the best
set of advisors, not necessarily
the most expensive but the
ones you can trust totally. These
may includes lawyers, chartered
accountants, insurance advisors,
and bankers among others.

Decide on the meaing of potentially
ambiguous phrases. Even a misplaced
punctuat ion mark can change the
scope of your rights and obligations..